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Facility Management Schulen Institute Ausbildungszenter UNI FH
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Facility Management Schulen Institute Ausbildungszenter UNI FH Hallo,
suche Verzeichnis von Facility Managemenent Ausbildungszentern.
Vielen Dank
Gruss Adenauer
16 Mar 2005 21:36:23 |
Adenauer |
Facility Management Schulen Institute Ausbildungszenter UNI FH Guten Abend,
im Anhang diverse Ausbildungszentren, viel Erfog!
Gruss Loosli
ARSEG, France http://www.arseg.com
ATGA, Austria http://www.atga.com
Baugewerbe, Austria http://www.bau.or.at
Bournemouth University, UK http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk
Budapest University of Technology & Economics, Hungary http://www.mti.bme.hu
Centre for Facilities Management, Glasgow, UK http://www.cfm.strath.ac.uk
Chalmers University (Architecture), Sweden http://www.arch.chalmers.se
Chalmers University (Facilities Management), Sweden http://www.fm.chalmers.se
Danish Facilities Management Association, Denmark http://www.technologisk.com
Danube University Krems, Austria http://www.donau-uni.ac.at
Fachhochschule Münster, Germany http://www.fh-muenster.de
Fachhochschul-Studiengänge, Austria http://www.technikum-wien.at
FIFMA, Finland http://www.fifma.org
FMA, IFMA Austria http://www.fma.or.at
FMH, The Netherlands http://www.fmh.nl
FMN, The Netherlands http://www.fm.kennis.org
FM PRO, Germany http://www.fmpro.de/Main2.html
German Facility Management Association, Germany http://www.gefma.de
Haagse Hogeschool, The Netherlands http://www.sem.hhs.nl
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland http://www.hut.fi
Hogeschool Diedenoort, The Netherlands http://www.diedenoort.nl/
Hogeschool Holland, The Netherlands http://www.hsholland.nl
Hogeschool Limburg, The Netherlands http://www.hsl.nl
Hochschule Wädenswil Fachhochschule, Switzerland http://www.hsw.ch
Hogskolen i Akershus, Norway http://www.hiak.no
IFMA Austria http://www.ifma.at
IFMA Deutschland, Germany http://www.ifma-deutschland.de
IFMA, International http://www.ifma.org
IFMA, Italia http://www.ifma.it
Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven, Belgium http://www.kahosl.be
Lund University, Sweden http://www.lund.se
Maintenance & Facility Management Society, Switzerland http://www.svi.ch
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden http://www.ce.kth.se
Rijkshogeschool IJselland, The Netherlands http://www.hsij.nl
Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland http://www.polsl.gliwice.pl/alma.mater/eindex.html
Technische Universiteit, Delft, The Netherlands http://www.bk.tudelft.nl/english/
Turku Polytechnic, Finland http://www.turkuamk.fi
University of Karlskrona, Sweden http://www.hk-r.se
VTT Building Technology, Finland http://www.vtt.fi/rte
Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands http://www.wau.nl
12 Dec 2004
21:00:15 L.Loosli
FM Facility Management Zeitschriften Benchmarking Building Kosten Unterhalt Organisationen Link
Hello, Lnks zu den Themen FM Facility Management Benchmarking Building Kosten Unterhalt Organisationen Link etc. Gruss Dorsen
Sources of FM Information Benchmarking Organisations Events Forums Information Sources Journals & Periodicals Recruitment Agencies
FM Benchmarking Surveys Bernard Williams Associates Produce regular articles on performance measurement and have developed a software tool, (FRISQUE Facilities Risk & Quality Evaluation) to aid benchmarkers. Contact: Bernard Williams Tel: 0181 460 1111
Building Cost Information Service This is a collaborative venture for the exchange of new building cost information. Subscribers involved in design and construction can have ready access to buildings data. Contact: Joe Martin Tel: 0171 222 7000
Building Maintenance Information Analyses property occupancy costs, provides data on current, historic and potential costs of building maintenance and property occupancy. Contact: Alan Cowan Tel: 0171 222 7000
HFC Benchmarking Data Provides comparable data and information on facilities and estates performance in the health service. Contact: Peter Woolliscroft Tel: 0181 869 2998 Email: WooliP@aol.com Web: www.hfc.org.uk
OSCAR: Office Service Charge Analysis Jones Lang LaSalle Contact: Steven O'Hara Tel: 0171 493 6040
Pan European Benchmarking Service Savills Commercial Ltd Occupancy cost benchmarking with the primary aim of cost savings and service quality improvement. Contact: Nick J Lahey-Bean Tel: 0171 499 8644
Property Health Check and Review KPMG Property Health Check and Review A consultancy service used to identify occupational portfolios to ensure synergy between property and strategy. Contact: Philip Ingleby Tel: 0171 311 2434
FM Organisations British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) Professional/Corporate Membership Association Contact: The Secretariat 67 High Street, Saffron Walden, Essex CB10 1AA Tel: 01799 508 608 Fax: 01799 513 237 Email: admin@bifm.org.uk Web: http://www.bifm.org.uk
Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA) Research Centre Old Bracknell Lane West, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7AH Tel: 01344 426511 Fax: 01344 487575 Web: http://www.bsria.co.uk
Centre for Facilities Management Research Centre Contact: Keith Alexander (Director) Centre for Facilities Management, The Centre for Understading the Built Environment, Portland Street, Manchester, M1 Tel: 0161 295 5357 Fax: 0161 295 5011 Email: k.alexander@salford.ac.uk Web: http://www.cfm.salford.ac.uk
Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Contact: Secretary 222 Balham High Road, London, SW12 9BS Tel: 020 8675 5211 Fax: 020 8675 5449 Email: secretary@cibse.org Web: http://www.cibse.org/
Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) Contact: David Young (Secretariat) Englemere, Kings Ride, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7TB Tel: 01344 630700 Fax: 01344 630777 Email: reception@ciob.org.uk Web: http://www.ciob.org.uk/
European Facility Management Network (EuroFM) Contact: Bert Zwikker (Secretariat) Sluiswegje 1, 1744 GG SINT MAARTEN, The Netherlands Tel: 00 31 224 551505 Fax: 00 31 224 552474 Email: eurofm.qwerty@planet.nl Web: http://www.eurofm.cfm.strath.ac.uk
Facilities Management Association (FMA) Trade Association Contact: Mary Taffler (Secretary) Esca House, 34 Palace Court, London, W2 4JG Tel/Fax: 0171 727 5238 Web: http://www.fmassoc.org/
Health Estates Facilities Management Association (HEFMA) Contact: Andy Collingwood (Chairman) Tel: (South Tees Acute Hospital) 01642 850 850 Fax: (South Tees Acute Hospital) 01642 854 636 Web: http://www.hefma.org.uk
International Facility Management Association (IFMA) 11th Floor, 1 East Greenway Plaza, Houston, Texas, 77046-019, USA Tel: 00 1 713 623 4362 Fax: 00 1 713 623 6124 Web: http://www.ifma.org
International Facility Management Association (IFMA): European Bureau Contact: Gina van Dijk (IFMA European Bureau) 15 Boulevard St Michel, Brussels 1040, Belgium Tel: 00 32 2 743 1540 Fax: 00 32 2 743 1550 Web: http://www.ifma.org
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Contact: Fred Guscott (Chairman FM Skills Panel) 12 Great George Street, Parliament Square, London, SW1P 3AD Tel: 0171 222 7000 Email: info@rics.org.uk Web: http://www.rics.org.uk
FM Events BIFM Conference Date: Annual, Autumn Venue: Miscellaneous Organised by: BIFM (see above)
Facilities Show Date: Annual, Autumn Venue: Harrogate Organised by: Miller Freeman Tel: 0181 742 2828 http://www.fmexpo.com
FM Expo Date: Annual, Spring Venue: Olympia, London Organised by: Miller Freeman Tel: 0181 742 2828 http://www.fmexpo.com
IFMA Conference Date: Annual, Autumn, USA Venue: Miscellaneous Organised by: IFMA (see above)
World Workplace Europe Conference & Exhibition Date: Annual, Spring, Europe Venue: Miscellaneous Organised by: IFMA Europe (see above) http://www.scpm.salford.ac.uk/cfm/glasgow2000/index.htm
World Workplace Date: Annual, Autumn, USA Venue: Miscellaneous Organised by: IFMA (see above) http://www.worldworkplace.org
FM Forums British Council for Offices Contact: Cala Stone Tel: 0118 988 5505 Fax: 0118 988 5495 http://www.bco.org.uk/
Catalyst Management Development Consultancy and events organisers, specialising in workshops as well as a Futures Forum. Tel: 020 7643 2214 Fax: 020 7643 2547 http://www.catalystmd.co.uk
CIB International Council for Building Research and Documentation Research and practice forum. Working groups considering FM from economic (W55), performance (W60), organisational (W65) and maintenance (W70) perspectives. Contact: CIB Secretariat, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel: 00 31 10 4110240
DEGW Workplace Forum Contact: Stephen Bradley Tel: 0171 239 7777 Fax: 0171 278 3613 http://www.degw.co.uk
EuroFM Network Forum of research institutes, educational establishments and professional associations throughout Europe. Remit is to share information on research, education and practice. Contact: EuroFM (see above) http://www.eurofm.cfm.strath.ac.uk
Forum Events Senior level FM events covering not just FM, but Security, Logistics and Outsourcing. Contact: Paul Rowney Tel: 01920 444202 Fax: 01920 465569 http://www.forumevents.co.uk
NACORE International Association of Corporate Real Estate professionals. Contact: Alison Sutherland Tel: 01908 692 812 http://www.nacore.com/
FM Information Sources Asset Information "UK Facilities Management Market Audit 1999" This report includes information on the history of the market, forces affecting the market, market size and structure and customer needs. Tel: 01223 511902 http://www.asset-info.com
Barbour Index "FM Report: The UK Facilities Management Market 2000" A guide for manufacturers and services providers that brings together research in order to identify trends in the FM marketplace. Tel: 01344 889205 http://www.barbour-index.co.uk
Centre for Facilities Management "UK Facilities Management Market 1999" Annual publication, incorporating market size data and analysis, supplier profiles and trends and directions in the FM marketplace. Tel: 0161 295 5357 http://www.scpm.salford.ac.uk/cfm
Croners "Croners Guide to Premises Management 1999" Subscription service; loose leaf manual of premises legislation and good working practice guidance. Tel: 0181 547 3333 http://www.croner.co.uk
Frost & Sullivan "European Integrated Facilities Management Service Markets 1999" An examination of the European Facilities Management industry, including growth forecasts up to 2005 and country overviews. Tel: 0171 730 3438 http://www.frost.com
GEE Publishing "GEE FM Factfinder 2000" Facilities Management 'how to...' publication, CD-ROM and on-line. Six complete updates a year, newsletter, helpline, discussion forum, job finder service. Tel: 0171 393 7400 http://www.gee.co.uk
MBD Market & Business Development "UK Facilities Management Market Development 1999" Quarterly publication, includes information on market size and trends, industry structure, key suppliers and the structure of demand within the FM industry. Tel: 0161 839 2739 http://www.mbdltd.co.uk
FM Journals/Periodicals Building Maintenance & Services (Prev. Building Access & Maintenance) Editor: Andrew Willis Published by Pixel Publications County Hall, Market Place, Bost, Lincolnshire, PE21 6DY Tel: 01205 354547 Fax: 01205 354450
Building Research & Information Editor: Richard Lorch Published by E&FN Spon, an imprint of Routledge 43 St George's Avenue, London, N7 OAJ Tel/Fax: 0171 609 4311 Email: r.lorch@ukonline.co.uk http://www.journals.routledge.com/br.html
Corporate Office Editor: Elizabeth Toppin Published by: Peebles Publishing Group, Brookmead House, 8 Thornley Leys Business Park, Witney, Oxon, OX8 7GE Tel: 01993 775545 Fax: 01993 778884 Email: corporateoffice@peebl.com
European Facilities Manager Editor: Frans van Waardhuizen, ARKO Publishing Published by: ARKO Publications, PO Box 616, 3430 AP Nieuwegein, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 30 605 1090 Fax: +31 (0) 30 605 2618 Email: redactie@arko.nl http://www.arko.nl Facilities Editor: Edward Finch Published by: MCB University Press, 60-62 Toller Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD8 9BY Tel: 01274 777700 Fax: 01274 785200 Email: e.f.finch@reading.ac.uk http://www.mcb.co.uk/cgi-bin/journal1/f
Swiss Facilities Managment, swissfm Congress Plus GmbH, Rosemarie B. Marty,
Haltingerstr.104, CH- 4057 Basel, Tel: +4161 683 1382 , FAX: +4161 683 1383, e Mail: congress-plus@access.ch http://www.fmswiss.ch/#FM
The Facilities Business Editor: Kate Lowe Published by: Property Media Limited, 2 Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 9GE Tel: 0171 560 4262 Fax: 0171 560 4012 Email: kate_lowe@tbg.focusnet.co.uk
Facilities Management Editor: Frank Booty Tel: 01732 844 480 Published by: The Eclipse Group Tel: 0171 354 5858 Email: fbooty@compuserve.com http://www.irseclipse.co.uk/publications/facman.html
Facilities Management Journal (FMJ) Editor: Brian Shillibeer Published by: Market Place Publishing, Scorpio House, 106 Church Road, London, SE19 2UB Tel: 0181 771 3614 Fax: 0181 771 4592 Email: fmj@mpp.co.uk
Facilities Management UK Editor: Marion Steele Published by: Hetherington Enterprises, 3 Market Place, Shipston-Stour, Warwickshire, CV36 3AG Tel: 01608 664 770 Fax: 01608 664 771 http://www.fmuk.co.uk
Facilities Management Excellence (FMX) Editor: Marl Eltringham Published by: ETP Ltd, Sadlers House, 2 Legg Street, chelmsford, CM1 1AH Tel: 01925 629577 Fax: 01925 575711 Email: eltringham@msn.com
International Journal of Facilities Management Editor: Keith Alexander, Centre for Facilities Management Published by: ARKO Publications, PO Box 616, 3430 AP Nieuwegein, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 30 605 1090 Fax: +31 (0) 30 605 2618 Email: redactie@arko.nl http://www.arko.nl
Journal of Property Investment & Finance Editors: Nick French & Prof. Gerald Brown Published by: MCB University Press, 60-62 Toller Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD8 9BY Tel: 01274 777700 Fax: 01274 785200
Premises & Facilities Management Editor: Jane Fenwick Published by: IML Group, Blair House, High Street, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 1BQ Tel: 01732 359990 Fax: 01732 770049 Email: imlgroup@dial.pipex.com
Property Week Editor: John Welsh Published by: Property Media Limited, 2 Harbour Exchange Square, London, E14 Tel: 0171 560 4242 Fax: 0171 560 4012
Workplace Editor: Elliott Chase Published by: Maple Publishing, 17 Church Hill, Purley, Surrey, CR8 3QP (Formerly Facility Design & Management) Tel: 0181 763 0552 Fax: 0181 763 2994
FM Recruitment Anders Glaser Wills 288 Chase Road, Southgate, London, N14 6HF Tel: 0181 886 5558 Fax: 0181 882 8708 http://www.andersglaserwills.com
Catch 22 199 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 5NE Tel: 0171 630 5144 Fax: 0171 834 7172 http://www.c22.co.uk
Charles Birch Recruitment Ltd 1 Caxton Place, Roden Street, Ilford, Essex, IG1 2AH Tel: 0181 478 0008
Eden Brown 17-29 Sun Street, London, EC2M 2PT Tel: 0171 309 1300 Fax: 0171 309 1313 http://www.edenbrown.co.uk
Euro Personnel Services A division of Options Employment Ltd 10th Floor, Cannon Centre, 78 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6HH Tel: 0171 623 0101 Fax: 0171 623 0202 http://www.optionsemployment.com
Facilities Management Recruitment 67 Chiltern Street, London, W1Y 1HS Tel: 0171 224 5204 (24 hour) Fax: 0171 224 5206 http://www.fmrecruit.com
Facilities Recruitment Ltd Blackfriars Foundry, 156 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8EN Tel: 020 7721 7333 Fax: 020 7721 7335 Email: info@facilitiesrecruit.co.uk http://www.facilitiesrecruit.co.uk
Harrison Scott Associates Watergate House, Watergate Street, Chester, CH1 2LF Tel: 01244 313133 Fax: 01244 341311
Hays Montrose Tel: 0800 716026 http://www.hays-montrose.co.uk
Hudson York Farrell Broad Street House, 55 Old Broad Street, London, EC2M 1RX Tel: 020 7638 0303 Fax: 020 7638 4300 http://www.hyf.co.uk
Mane Contract Services Ltd Central West, 320 Ruislip Road East, Greenford, Middlesex, UB6 9BH Tel: 0181 233 1000 Fax: 0181 233 1098 http://www.mane.co.uk
Matchtech Engineering 1590 Parkway, Solent Business Park, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 7AG Tel: 01489 575111 Fax: 01489 575883 http://www.matchtech.co.uk
Maxwell Bruce 26B Renfield Street, Glasgow, G2 1LU Tel: 0141 204 3844 Fax: 0141 226 3927 http://www.maxwellbruce.com (on-line Feb 2000)
PSD 28 Essex Street, London, WC2R 3AT Tel: 0171 9709700 http://www.psd.co.uk
16 Mar 2005 21:38:48 |
Loosli |
Facility Management Ausbildung Deutschland Oestereich Schweiz Schulen Institute Ausbildungszenter UNI FH Guten Tag,
im Anhang Ausbildungsorte für Facility Management und Lifecycle Management im deutschsprachigen Europa.
Viel Erfolg
Gruss Ammacher
20 Jul 2005 15:24:03 |
Ammacher |
Facility Management Ausbildung Weiterbildung Schweiz Link Tertiäre FM Guten Tag,
im Anhang Links zu Ihrem Thema, viel Erfolg.
Gruss Freudiger
Tertiäre Ausbildungen in Facility Management
(gemäss Berufssystematik BBT)
Höhere Fachprüfung HFP
(mit eidg. Diplom)
Bereich Facility Management:
Dipl. Leiter, -in FM
Dipl. Instandhaltungsleiter,-in
Dipl. Immobilientreuhänder,-in
Bereich Gastronomie:
Dipl. Betriebsleiter,-in der Gemeinschaftsgastronomie
Dipl. Hauswirtschaftsleiter, -in
Dipl. Küchenchef / Produktionsleiter, -in
Dipl. Restaurateur, -in
Dipl. Restaurationsleiter, -in
Höhere Fachschule HF
(mit eidg. Diplom)
Bereich Facility Management:
Hauswirtschaftliche(r) Betriebsleiter, -in HF
Bereich Gastronomie:
Restaurateur, -in / Hotelier HF
Fachhochschule FH
(mit eidg. Diplom, Bachelor oder Master)
Bereich Facility Management:
Bachelor of Science in Facility Management (Betriebsökonomie FH in FM)
Bereich Gastronomie:
Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management
Bereich Immobilien:
Eidgenössische Berufsprüfung BP (mit eidg. Fachausweis)
Bereich Facility Management:
Hauswirtschaftliche Betriebsleiter, -in FA
Hauswirtschaftsleiter, -in FA
Hauswart, -in FA
Instandhaltungsfachmann/-frau FA
Bereich Gastronomie:
Hotelempfangs- und administrationsleiter, -in FA
Koch der Spital-, Heim- und Gemeinschaftsgastronomie FA
Gastronomiekoch FA
Restaurationsleiter, -in FA
Weitere Informationen zu den Berufen im Bereich Facility Management:
Eidgenössische Berufsprüfung BP (mit eidg. Fachausweis)
Fachbereich Abschluss Berufstitel Informationen zum Prüfungs-vorbereitungskurs Ausbildungsinstitutionen
Facility Management Hauswirtschaftliche Betriebsleiterin FA
Hauswirtschaftlicher Betriebsleiter FA
(pdf-File, 71 KB
mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Laufbahnzentrums der Stadt Zürich) http://www.bffbern.ch
BFF Bern
Höhere Hauswirtschaftliche Fachschule
3001 Bern
+41 31 384 33 32
Berufsbildungszentrum Wädenswil
Einsiedlerstrasse 29
8820 Wädenswil
+41 1 789 98 27
cfi Centre de Formation à l’intendance
Av. Glayre 15
1004 Lausanne
+41 21 647 04 73
Facility Management Hauswartin FA
Hauswart FA http://www.bslenzburg.ch
Berufsschule Lenzburg
Neuhofstr. 36
5600 Lenzburg
+41 62 885 39 02
Hauswartschulen (Bern, Chur, St. Gallen, Liestal, Luzern, Olten, Pfäffikon (SZ), Zürich)
Schäfliwies 1
8863 Buttikon
+41 55 444 30 36
Facility Management Instandhaltungs-fachfrau FA
Instandhaltungs-fachmann FA http://www.bslenzburg.ch
Berufsschule Lenzburg
Neuhofstrasse 36, 5600 Lenzburg
+41 62 885 39 02
Gewerbliche Berufsschule / Technische BMS
Postfach 115, 3930 Visp
+41 27 948 12 60
Gewerblich-Industrielle Berufsschule Bern
Lorrainestrasse 1, 3000 Bern
+41 31 335 91 11
IAI Internationales Ausbildungsinstitut für Instandhaltung
Steinenring 13, 4051 Basel
+41 61 205 95 95
Learny AG
Heimstrasse 46, 8953 Dietikon
+41 1 740 17 71
Synergis AG
Theaterstrasse 7, 6003 Luzern
+41 41 227 20 20
ZbW Zentrum für berufliche Weiterbildung
Gaiserwaldstrasse 6, 9015 St. Gallen
+41 71 313 40 55
zti Zuger Techniker- und Informatikschule
Landis & Gyr-Strasse 1, 6304 Zug
+41 41 724 40 24
^zum Seitenanfang
Höhere Fachprüfung HFP (mit eidg. Diplom)
Fachbereich Abschluss Berufstitel Informationen zur Ausbildung Ausbildungsinstitutionen
Facility Management Dipl. Leiterin
Facility Management (HFP)
Dipl. Leiter
Facility Management (HFP)
(pdf-File, 71 KB
mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Laufbahnzentrums der Stadt Zürich) http://www.bzw.ch
Berufsschule Lenzburg
Neuhofstrasse 36, 5600 Lenzburg
+41 62 885 39 02
Berufsbildungszentrum Wädenswil, Standort Zürich
Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich
+41 44 789 99 77
IAI Internationales Ausbildungsinstitut für Instandhaltung
Steinenring 13, 4051 Basel
+41 61 205 95 95
Swissmem Kaderschule
Brühlbergstrasse 4, 8400 Winterthur
+41 52 260 54 54
Synergis AG
Theaterstrasse 7, 6003 Luzern
+41 41 417 10 17
Facility Management Dipl. Instandhaltungs-
leiterin (HFP)
Dipl. Instandhaltungs-
leiter (HFP) http://www.gibb.ch
Berufsschule Lenzburg
Neuhofstrasse 36, 5600 Lenzburg
+41 62 885 39 02
Gewerblich-Industrielle Berufsschule Bern
Lorrainestrasse 1, 3000 Bern
+41 31 335 91 11
IAI Internationales Ausbildungsinstitut für Instandhaltung
Steinenring 13, 4051 Basel
+41 61 205 95 95
Swissmem Kaderschule
Brühlbergstrasse 4
8400 Winterthur
+41 52 260 54 54
Synergis AG
Theaterstrasse 7, 6003 Luzern
+41 41 417 10 17
Facility Management Dipl. Immobilien-Treuhänderin HFP
Dipl. Immobilien-Treuhänder HFP
(pdf-File, 77 KB
mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Laufbahnzentrums der Stadt Zürich) http://www.svit.ch
SVIT Schweiz. Verband
der Immobilien-Treuhänder
Eugen Huber-Strasse 19a
8048 Zürich
+41 1 434 78 88
realis Bildungszentrum des Schweiz. Verbandes der Immobilientreuhänder
Eugen Huber-Strasse 19a
8048 Zürich
+41 1 434 78 88
Feusi Weiterbildung
Alpeneggstrasse 1
3012 Bern
^zum Seitenanfang
Höhere Fachschule HF (mit eidg. Diplom)
Fachbereich Abschluss Berufstitel Informationen zur Ausbildung Ausbildungsinstitutionen
Facility Management Hauswirtschaftliche Betriebsleiterin HF
Hauswirtschaftlicher Betriebsleiter HF
(pdf-File, 72 KB
mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Laufbahnzentrums der Stadt Zürich) http://www.biz-berufsinfo.ch
BFF Bern
Höhere Hauswirtschaftliche Fachschule
3001 Bern
+41 31 384 33 32
^zum Seitenanfang
Fachhochschule FH (mit eidg. Diplom, Bachelor oder Master)
Fachbereich Abschluss Berufstitel Informationen zur Ausbildung Ausbildungsinstitutionen
Facility Management Bachelor of Science in Facility Management mit den Schwerpunkten:
• Consumer Affairs
• Hospitality Management
• Immobilienmanagement
(Betriebsökonomin FH in Facility Management)
(Betriebsökonom FH in Facility Management)
(pdf-File, 71 KB
mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Laufbahnzentrums der Stadt Zürich) http://www.biz-berufsinfo.ch
Hochschule Wädenswil
Grüental, Postfach, 8820 Wädenswil
+41 44 789 99 00
Facility Management Nachdiplomstudiengang eidg. anerkannt (NDS FH)
Nachdiplom der Zürcher Fachhochschule in Richtung Strategisches Facility Management
Executive Master of FM http://www.biz-berufsinfo.ch
Hochschule Wädenswil
Grüental, Postfach
8820 Wädenswil
+41 44 789 99 00
ökonomie Nachdiplomstudium Immobilienökonomie
Nachdiplomstudiengang eidg. anerkannt (NDS FH)
Executive Master of Real Estate Management http://www.fhsg.ch/wb
Fachhochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Sozial Arbeit St.Gallen, Tellstrasse 2
9000 St.Gallen
071 226 12 04
16 Sep 2005 10:26:40 |
Freudiger |
Facility Management Ausbildung Weiterbildung Schweiz Link Tertiäre FM Gibt es dieverse Kursangebote wenn möglich Berufsbegleitend
05 Feb 2008 13:30:10 |
Miccolis |
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