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  Lexikon/Glossar     Suche :       3926 Einträge
 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
 C++ IT
 Cache IT
 Cache IT
 CAE (Computer Aided Engineering)
 Call Center
 CAN Bus
 CAP (Computer Aided Planning)
 CAQ - Computer Aided Quality assurance
 Carnet ATA
 Carnet TIR
 CAS (Computer Aided Selling)
 CAS (Computer Aided Selling )
 Cash and Carry
 Cash Management
 Cash Management
 Cash Management
 Cash Management
 Cash Pooling
 Cash-flow at Risk
 Category Management
 CBA Cost-Benefit Analysis
 CBS Cost Breakdown Structure
 CBT (Computer Based Training)
 CEI Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
 CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation
 Ceteris paribus
 Change Management FM
 Chaos Management
 Churn Rate FM
 CIF Video
 CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
 Clean payment
 Click-Through-Rate (CTR- Internet)
 Client (IT)
 Client IT
 Client-Server-Architektur (IT)
 CLM (Collaborative Lifecycle Management )
 Cloud computing
 CMS Content Management System
 CO2 Emissionen
 CO2 Fussabdruck
 Codewoerter Passwoerter Pins
 Codierung IT
 COM-Serve (IT)
 Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN)
 Computer Aided Facility Management
 Computer Aided Quality
 Computer Output Laserdisk COLD
 Computer-Aided Facility Management
 Computer-Aided Network Facilities Management
 Conjoint Measurement
 Connectivity Internet
 Container IT
 Content Management
 Content Management Systeme (CMS)
 Content-Management-Systeme CMS
 Continuous Replenishment Program CRP
 Contracting Energie
 Controlling – Kennzahlen, Kennzahlensysteme
 Corporate Citizenship (CC)
 Corporate Finance
 Corporate Governance
 Corporate Governance CG
 Corporate Identity
 Corporate Network
 Corporate Real Estate Management
 Corporate Real Estate Management
 Corporate Social Responsibility CSR
 Corten- Stahl
 Cost Database
 Country Code - Top Level Domain
 CPC (Collaborative Product Commerce)
 Cradle-to-Cradle (D)
 Critical Infrastructure Protection / Critical Information Infrastructure Protection
 CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
 CRM (Customer-Relationship-Management )
 Cross selling
 Cross Site Request Forgery
 Cross-Border Leasing
 CTQ: Critical to Quality (Critical "Y")
 Cube (Würfel)
 culpa in abstracto
 culpa in concreto
 culpa in contrahendo
 culpa in eligendo
 culpa lata
 culpa levis
 Customer Care Team
 Customer Relationship Management CRM
 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)